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MRI Brain Reporting format


Protocol : A plain MR of the brain was performed, using routine turbo spin echo sequences in multiplanar planes of axial, sagittal and coronal planes using head coil. The sequences used were T1W TSE Axial, T2W TSE Axial, FLAIR Axial, T2W TSE Coronal, TIW TSE Sagittal.

Findings : Cerebral parenchyma reveals normal signal intensity with no evidence of focal or diffuse mass lesion. No evidence of focal altered white matter signal intensity is noted. Grey-white differentiation is maintained. Cortical sulci and extra-axial CSF spaces are normal.  Basal ganglia, thalami and internal capsule appear normal on either side.

Ventricular system appears normal in morphology and signal intensity. Corpus callosum is normally visualized without any evidence of callosal thinning or altered signal intensity.

Sellar structures & parasellar regions, optic tracts and chiasma appear normal without any abnormal altered  signal intensity. Basal cisterns and sylvian fissures are normal.

Brain stem and cerebellum appears normal without any evidence of any focal lesion or altered signal intensity. Both the cerebello-pontine angles are normal.

Major cerebral blood vessels shows normal flow void, caliber and signal intensity pattern. No abnormal altered signal intensity is seen in calvarium and pericranial soft tissue.


MRI BRAIN Reporting format  (Plain + Contrast) AND MRI ANGIOGRAPHY:

Protocol : A plain and contrast enhanced MR of the brain was performed, using routine turbo spin echo sequences in multiplanar planes of axial, sagittal and coronal planes using head coil. The sequences used were T1W TSE Axial, T2W TSE Axial, FLAIR Axial, T2W TSE Coronal, TIW TSE Sagittal. Post contrast T1 images were obtained in all three planes. TOF images for MRA were obtained.

Findings : Minimal non-enhancing high signal areas are seen in bilateral frontal subcortical white matter. Rest of the Cerebral parenchyma reveals normal signal intensity and enhancement pattern. Grey-white differentiation is maintained. Cortical sulci and extra-axial CSF spaces are normal.  Basal ganglia, thalami and internal capsule appear normal on either side.

Ventricular system appears normal in morphology and signal intensity. Corpus callosum is normally visualized without any evidence of callosal thinning or altered signal intensity.

Sellar structures & parasellar regions, optic tracts and chiasma appear normal without any abnormal altered  signal intensity. Basal cisterns and sylvian fissures are normal.

Brain stem and cerebellum appears normal without any evidence of any focal lesion or altered signal intensity. Both the cerebello-pontine angles are normal.

There is mild bilateral maxillary, bilateral ethmoid and sphenoid sinusitis . The nasal septum is mildly deviated with convexity to the left with bilateral paraseptal soft tissue thickening (L>R) and hypertrophy of right sided middle and inferior turbinates.Visualized orbits appear normal on either side.

MR-ANGIOGRAPHY: The areteries forming the circle of willis namely MCA, ACA,PCA, ACOM and PCOM are normal in course , calibre and signal intensity. There is no significant stenosis or occlusion seen. No aneurysmal dilatation of the arteries are seen.
Visualised bilateral ICA, vertebral arteries and the basilar arteries are normal in course ,calibre and signal intensity pattern. There is no significant stenosis,thrombotic occlusion or aneurysmal dilatation seen.
The major dural venous sinuses namely superior sagittal sinus,inferior sagittal sinus ,sigmoid and transeverse sinuses and the oblique sinuses are normal in course, calibre and flow void. No obvious thrombotic occlusion is seen.Visualized deep veins are normal.




Unknown said…
thankyou for posting this
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