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Hi Friends…
I’m a Radiographer ’…
A radiology and imaging, radiology technician , Blogger, diploma in RT Professional other than that I’m Telugu short film director (made a couple of short films OF X Ray). since the latest technology (Radiology Imaging) came into presence, I became more enthusiast to study with New Machine and new stuff and I learned so much from Medical experience and Google, all I have in my mind are happened by my self-learning capabilities. so here, I am sharing my Knowledge with blogspot.
Radiology and imaging
Radiology and imaging is my Blogger l which is started in 2018 and I study started from 2016. I am very passionate in this line. and  I learned so much from the Internet especially from Google , later I decided to part Time Blogging on this line. 
Radiology and imaging is my first Blog which is in Radiology lines  , where you can find all the Radiology Imaging like ,  X Ray, CT Scan.  MRI. Related knowledge. We try to provide Weekly content .
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