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MRI Brain Reporting format

Normal BRAIN MRI REPORT Protocol :  A plain MR of the brain was performed, using routine turbo spin echo sequences in multiplanar planes of axial, sagittal and coronal planes using head coil. The sequences used were T1W TSE Axial, T2W TSE Axial, FLAIR Axial, T2W TSE Coronal, TIW TSE Sagittal. Findings :  Cerebral parenchyma reveals normal signal intensity with no evidence of focal or diffuse mass lesion. No evidence of focal altered white matter signal intensity is noted. Grey-white differentiation is maintained. Cortical sulci and extra-axial CSF spaces are normal.  Basal ganglia, thalami and internal capsule appear normal on either side. Ventricular system appears normal in morphology and signal intensity. Corpus callosum is normally visualized without any evidence of callosal thinning or altered signal intensity. Sellar structures & parasellar regions, optic tracts and chiasma appear normal without any abnormal altered  signal intensity. Basal cisterns and s

MRI Lumber Spine Format

MRI OF LUMBAR SPINE Protocol  : A plain MRI of the lumbar spine was performed, using routine turbo spine sequences in multiple axial, coronal and sagittal planes using the spine coil. The sequences used were axial T1W and T2W TSE, coronal T2W TSE, sagittal T1W and T2W TSE along with fat supressed T2 screening of the SI joints in axial plane. Findings : There is mild straightening of the lumbar spine with normal posterior alignment of teh vertebral bodies. Normal adult marrow signals of the lumbar vertebrae are noted. The posterior elements are normal. Anterior and lateral marginal osteophytes are seen in the lower lumbar vertebrae. There is mild reduction of the height of the L3-4 lumbar disc with decreased and altered signal intensity of the annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus on T2 images of L3-4 & L4-5 suggesting early disc dessication. There is evidence of postero-central and right para-central disc bulge at the level of L4-5  with minimal thecal in

2018 DMRT Question paper

2018 DMRT Question paper


MRI Female BLADDER MASSES and MITOTIC PART : MRI OF PELVIS REPORT -  Multiple enhancing polypoidal mass lesions are noted arising from the UB wall and projecting into the UB lumen,largest of size 42 x 4 0 mm. Few of the lesions anteriorly are seen minimally extending to perivesical fat. Multiple enlarged iliac,inguinal and obturator nodes are seen,largest of size 17 x 12 mm. Uterus is normal in size, shape and signal intensity. Both ovaries are normal in size, shape and signal intensity. Pelvic bowel loops are unremarkable. Impression: MITOTIC URINARY BLADDER MASSES WITH PELVIC ADENOPATHY. Full sequence image's in this video .


Normal MRI  OF CERVICAL SPINE: Protocol: Plain MR of the cervical spine was performed using routine turbo spin sequences in multiplanar planes of axial, sagittal and coronal planes using head and spine coils.The sequences used were T1 & T2 Axial, T1 & T2 Sagittal, T2 fat supressed coronal. Findings: There is loss of normal cervical lordosis with straightening of the cervical spine. The vertebral marrow signals of the cervical vertebrae are of adult marrow. The vertebral heights are maintained at all levels. No evidence of vertebral collapse or focal altered signals is noted within the vertebral bodies. Posterior elements including the pedicles are free. The signal intensities of the annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus of cervical discs are relatively maintained at all levels.The  vertical heights of the cervical discs are relatively well-maintained. No remarkable disc bulges or anterior thecal intentations are seen.No evidence of cord compression

Barium Enema , Barium swallows

 Barium Enema        The large intestine can be examined by contrast enema which may be simple contrast when only barium sulphate is use . This is done mainly in bleeding per rectum , colitis , alnd suspected large bowel obstruction      Patient preparation           Patient preparation is extremely important before this procedure is performed . The colon must be completely empty of all its contents . Different methods are used in different departments to achieve this . The full cooperation of the patient is most essential for this examination . The patient should be instructed   • ( 1 ) to keep the anal sphincter tightly contracted over the enema to tube prevent leakage ,   • ( 2 ) to relax the abdominal muscles ,   • ( 3 ) to concentrate on deep oral         breathing . The patient should undress   completely and wear an open backed gown . The be available near the barium suite so that the patient especially sick ones do not have to walk far .  Technique      A litt

X Ray All Normal Report Formet

X-RAY CHEST (AP VIEW) Lung fields do not reveal any active parenchymal lesion. Pleural angles are clear and domes of the diaphragm are of normal contour. Cardiac silhouette appears normal. Hilar shadows are normal. Bony thorax is intact. Soft tissue shadows are normal. PELVIS WITH BOTH HIPS   (AP AND LAT   VIEWS) Bones of the pelvic girdle do not reveal any focal or generalised lesion. Hip joints on either side show intact joint spaces and articular surfaces. No abnormal soft tissue shadow is seen in the pelvic cavity. Sacro-iliac joints and the symphysis pubis are normal. BARIUM SWALLOW OESOPHAGUS Barium swallow study of   the oesophagus is done under IITV control. Free passage of barium is seen upto the stomach. No hold up, filling defect of abnormal extrinsic pressure effect is seen in the oesophagus. Oesophageal mucosa and gastro-oesophageal junction are normal. - RADIOLOGICAL FEATURES ARE ESSENTIALLY WITHIN