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Showing posts from March, 2018

Barium Enema , Barium swallows

 Barium Enema        The large intestine can be examined by contrast enema which may be simple contrast when only barium sulphate is use . This is done mainly in bleeding per rectum , colitis , alnd suspected large bowel obstruction      Patient preparation           Patient preparation is extremely important before this procedure is performed . The colon must be completely empty of all its contents . Different methods are used in different departments to achieve this . The full cooperation of the patient is most essential for this examination . The patient should be instructed   • ( 1 ) to keep the anal sphincter tightly contracted over the enema to tube prevent leakage ,   • ( 2 ) to relax the abdominal muscles ,   • ( 3 ) to concentrate on deep oral         breathing . The patient should undress   completely and wear an open backed gown . The be available near the barium suite so that the patient especially sick ones do not have to walk far .  Technique      A litt

X Ray All Normal Report Formet

X-RAY CHEST (AP VIEW) Lung fields do not reveal any active parenchymal lesion. Pleural angles are clear and domes of the diaphragm are of normal contour. Cardiac silhouette appears normal. Hilar shadows are normal. Bony thorax is intact. Soft tissue shadows are normal. PELVIS WITH BOTH HIPS   (AP AND LAT   VIEWS) Bones of the pelvic girdle do not reveal any focal or generalised lesion. Hip joints on either side show intact joint spaces and articular surfaces. No abnormal soft tissue shadow is seen in the pelvic cavity. Sacro-iliac joints and the symphysis pubis are normal. BARIUM SWALLOW OESOPHAGUS Barium swallow study of   the oesophagus is done under IITV control. Free passage of barium is seen upto the stomach. No hold up, filling defect of abnormal extrinsic pressure effect is seen in the oesophagus. Oesophageal mucosa and gastro-oesophageal junction are normal. - RADIOLOGICAL FEATURES ARE ESSENTIALLY WITHIN

USG Whole Body parte report format

Ultrasonography USG of WHOLE ABDOMEN MALE LIVER              :         Liver is normal in size and echotexture. Intrahepatic biliary radicles are not dilated. No focal or solid mass lesion seen.   Portahepatis is normal.   Portal vein measures 10 mm in diameter. GB                    :          GB is well distended with normal wall. No intraluminal calculus seen. Liver / GB demarcation is clear. CBD                 :          CBD is normal in diameter (4 mm). No calculus is seen in CBD PANCREAS     :          Pancreas shows normal echotexture . MPD is not dilated. No peripancreatic fluid is seen SPLEEN           :          Spleen is normal in size and normal in echotexture. KIDNEYS        :          Both kidneys are normal in size, shape, position with normal cortical echotexture. CMD is maintained bilaterally. No calculus or mass or hydronephrosis is seen in both kidneys. RK measures 83 mm and LK measures 93 mm.       UB